How to Choose a Therapist in 5 Steps 

couple figuring out how to choose a therapist who's right for them

So, you are trying to choose which therapist to start working with. 

Deciding who is right for you can be a difficult process. 

There are many factors to think about when making this choice. 

After you look into multiple different therapists who you are interested in working with, you may feel stumped in who to book with. 

Luckily, our five-step guide can help you structure your decision and discover how to choose a therapist. 

1. Consider the Support you Want 

Reflect on what you are seeking therapy for. 

Do you have a situational crisis? 

Have you noticed a pattern of ongoing issues you want to change? 

Do you have a mental illness that requires medications? 

Answering these questions will help you understand what type of support to seek.

Your answer can help you determine what type of mental health practitioner to reach out to. Also, consider the details of why you want support. 

Do you have general things that you want to change/talk about? 

Or do you have a more specific issue? 

This might determine whether you should choose a therapist with additional training in that issue. 

Or maybe you want a therapist with experience supporting others with the same concern as you. 

For example, if you are looking for perinatal couples counselling, you may want to seek out someone with training/experience in that area. 

There are also minor details that you can consider when making your choice. How often do you want to see your therapist? 

Find someone who can see you at the frequency that you need. 

Do you want in-person or virtual therapy? 

Your answer may help you narrow down who you want to see. 

2. Consider your Values 

couple considering their values before figuring out how to choose a therapist

Think about what is most important to you. 

What are your goals for therapy? 

Are you looking to grow in specific areas? Are you hoping to work through unprocessed trauma? Look for a therapist who can help you achieve the goals you want. 

What are you prioritizing in a therapeutic relationship? 

Do you want someone who can give you “tough love”? Do you want a therapist who you can joke with?

Reflect on what you need to feel most supported. 

What personal values do you have that you want to ensure your therapist shares with you? Do you need a therapist who is open-minded about specific topics? 

Perhaps you need support after something traumatic, like an abortion. 

It may be beneficial to make sure your therapist does not have a negative view of abortions, or you may not receive the right support for you. 

Making sure that important values align can ensure that you find a therapist who makes you feel safe sharing your trauma and celebrated sharing your identity. 

3. Consider your Insurance

While your insurance should not be the main consideration factor, it should be on your mind. 

If you have insurance under your workplace/school, check to see what services and/or psychotherapists are covered. 

Insurance coverage can change the support you can seek out. So, do not ignore this. If your insurance does not cover all of the costs of therapy, you need to figure out your budget. How much can you afford out of pocket?

Use these numbers to understand the frequency of sessions you can attend depending on the price of different therapists. 

4. Reflect on the Therapists You’ve Spoken with

an important factor in figuring out how to choose a therapist is taking notes and reflecting on those you've spoken to

If you have had consultations with therapists in your area, this step is very important! Consider those consultations

How did you feel with each therapist during their consultations? 

How did they present themselves and their practices? 

Was there a therapist or two with whom you felt safer? 

These reflections can help you come to a crucial decision. 

Think about the questions that you asked each therapist during your consultations. Did any answers raise a red flag for you? 

Did any answers let you feel more connected with a therapist? 

Let these answers and feelings strongly influence your choice, as they are representative of therapy with them.

5. Make your decision

With all of these factors at the front of your mind, choose what feels right for you. You should consider your support needs, values, and insurance in this decision. You can trust your intuition if you are someone who just knows. 

But, you can also make a pros and cons list if you want to see everything you reflected on laid out. 

This is a big decision, but do not overthink it. 

You will know what is right for you, and these steps can help you clear your mind on the answer. 

You deserve support from a therapist who shares your values and is within your budget. Choosing the right therapist can feel like a massive decision. 

By considering the four factors above, you can choose rationally. 

Our five-step process can help you feel equipped to make the best decision for you. 

And if you’re interested in confirming that one of our incredible therapists is the right fit for you, click the link below to book a free consultation. 


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