Benefits of Prenatal Counselling

couple cuddling after understanding the benefits of prenatal counselling

Pregnancy can be difficult with tons of overwhelming emotions. 

You deserve as much support as you need during this time. 

It can be beneficial to reach out to a prenatal therapist for support. 

Checking in on your mental health while pregnant is a necessity. 

Prenatal counselling can offer you a sense of confidence and capability. 

What is prenatal counselling?

Prenatal counselling is a safe space for those becoming parents. 

It aims to let you share concerns about pregnancy, giving birth, and adjusting to new roles in parenthood. 

Are you scared of giving birth? 

Are you worried about losing your identity when becoming a parent? 

Do the stresses and expectations of parenthood make you nervous?

Prenatal therapy allows you to talk about those fears. 

Sorting through your emotions during pregnancy can help you focus on what’s most important: you and your baby’s health. 

Counselling is a chance to check in on the parent’s mental wellness. 

We want to ensure you can enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible. 

Helping you stay stress-free (or low-stress) is a top priority. 

You can even learn coping strategies to keep your stress as low as possible after the baby arrives. 

If you have negative behaviour/emotion patterns that you struggle with, prenatal therapy can help. 

Speaking with a prenatal therapist can help you unlearn those patterns and develop healthy habits to be a stronger parent. 

Developing those new habits can help make becoming a parent much easier. Therapy can assist in the transition to parenthood in other ways as well. 

You can learn skills and gain resources to make parenthood easier for you. 

Trusting yourself, intuition, and parenting abilities is another benefit you can gain from prenatal therapy. 

You can learn strong decision-making and prioritization skills that will make you feel confident that you will be a good parent.

A baby brings a ton of new responsibilities to your life. 

Therapy can teach you how to handle your old responsibilities plus those of your new child. Especially if you and your partner are pregnant — a new baby can often strain the relationship. So, defining roles and expectations in prenatal counselling can prevent any strains. Discuss how the two of you can help each other out during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. This can help ensure that you two are on the same page. 

You can even discuss setting and maintaining boundaries with your in-laws. Prenatal therapy is also helpful for coping with body image changes. 

Your body experiences various physical changes while pregnant. 

Some of these changes may cause you to feel negatively about your body. You deserve to love how your body looks, or at least to appreciate everything your body is doing. 

Prenatal counselling offers you a space to talk about how you feel about all the changes you are going through. 

You can even learn to look at those changes more positively.

And finally, prenatal therapy can help if you have birth trauma. 

Perhaps you endured a difficult birth or miscarriage and feel anxiety about your current pregnancy. 

Prenatal counselling can help quell your anxieties and overcome your trauma so you can enjoy your pregnancy. 

Who Should Reach Out for Prenatal Counselling?

person googling the benefits of prenatal counselling

Prenatal counselling is beneficial for anyone pregnant! 

Becoming a new mom can be stressful, and you deserve support. 

Therapy can be especially helpful if you are becoming a single mom or if you have been feeling overly stressed out. 

If you feel scared, guilty, depressed, worried, overwhelmed, or unsupported in your pregnancy, please reach out! 

Many pregnant individuals experience negative emotions during pregnancy. People often believe pregnancy is always positive with no downsides when that is not true. This belief and stigma stop pregnant people from seeking support when they need it.

You deserve support during this big part of your life. 

Do not feel ashamed to reach out for the support you want! 

4 Benefits of Prenatal Counselling 

1. Build your confidence in your abilities.

Prenatal therapy can help you feel more comfortable making decisions and caring for your future baby. 

Parenthood can be scary, and therapy can help you feel ready. 

Maybe you had fears about giving birth or about family expectations. 

Prenatal therapy can show you that you are capable of having a successful pregnancy, birth, and postpartum transition. 

2. Check on and lower your stress throughout pregnancy

couple cuddling after understanding the benefits of prenatal counselling

Counselling offers you a space to get support for all of your stresses. 

Seeing a counsellor during your pregnancy can help you quell those stresses. Lowering your stress during pregnancy is crucial for your and your baby's health. When your stress is lower, your risk for anxiety and depression lowers as well.

Ensuring that your anxiety pre-birth is as low as possible also helps prevent postpartum depression and psychosis. 

Prenatal counselling provides long-term benefits for a new mother’s mental health. 

3. Strengthen your relationships before the baby arrives

If you are coming to prenatal counselling with a partner, your relationship can improve. You two can learn how to best support each other during birth and postpartum. 

Establishing those team expectations beforehand can help your relationship manage the addition of a new baby. 

If you are a single mom, prenatal counselling can teach you how to strengthen your relationships with friends and family. 

Raising a child takes a village, and knowing who is in your village before giving birth can make things easier. 

Therapy teaches you how to build your village and find support before you need it. 

4. Gain resources and skills to be the best parent you can

couple cuddling after understanding the benefits of prenatal counselling

Prenatal therapy can show you resources within your community. 

These resources can help you with parenting, maintaining your mental health postpartum, and much more! 

Counselling can also teach you skills like emotional regulation and conflict management. These skills are easily transferable to parenting and can help make your transition easier.

Prenatal therapy offers so many positive and uplifting benefits. 

Almost anyone pregnant can gain something from prenatal therapy. 

It is a safe space to voice your fears and receive the support you deserve as an expecting parent. Pregnancy can feel overwhelming and scary, but you are not alone. 

We want to support you and help you have the best pregnancy you can. 

If you want to work with one of our perinatal therapists, click the link below to book a free consultation. 


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