How Having ADHD Affects Relationships - Part 1

Does your ADHD impact your relationship with your significant other? Do you feel misunderstood sometimes? Do you want to find better ways to communicate and strengthen your relationship with your partner? Keep reading to find some key tips on how to navigate a relationship while having ADHD. Maintaining relationships with ADHD can feel tasking or distracting. However, it is completely normal to feel this way and here’s why!

Individuals with ADHD deal with symptoms such as:

- Impulsiveness

- Lack of organisation

- Poor organisational skills

- Inability to focus

- Hyperactivity

Feeling a bit distracted or impulsive in your relationship is a given. However, it is important to remember that these behaviours can create tension in your relationship. For example, impulsiveness can lead to risky decisions like quick financial decisions. But, this does not mean that having ADHD will collapse your relationship. By understanding your behaviours, how they affect your partner, and by practising healthy coping methods, your relationship and your mental health can flourish.

How can your partner be affected? Your partner can be affected in many ways, emotionally and physically. Although it might not seem clear at the time, it is important to understand how your partner is feeling. A relationship works both ways and it is necessary for both you and your partner to be understanding and compassionate.

What are some ways I can feel better AND help my relationship? The first step to creating and maintaining a fulfilling, healthy relationship is by wanting to do and be better. When dealing with ADHD, certain coping methods might not be as effective as you want them to. However, this does not mean that there is nothing to help; there are various coping methods and treatments that can help you feel better and improve your mental state.

Some of these healthy coping methods include:

- Creating organisational hacks (making schedules, keeping a calendar, etc.)

- Open and honest communication with your partner

- Set smaller goals at a time

- Involve family or friends. Having loved ones be around you or help you with a task can feel comforting and motivate you.

It can feel difficult to focus on tasks and others when your mind is distracted or unmotivated, however by understanding why you feel this way, you can find effective tips and methods that can help you feel better. Remember you are not alone and that it is okay to feel the way you do. A relationship takes work and time, but with the right support and motivation, it can thrive. Please keep in mind that if you are ever feeling that your mental health is suffering, please reach out to a trusted loved one or a psychotherapist. If you are struggling with ADHD one of our expert therapists can help you. Please reach out to us here : contact us.


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