Can Men Experience Postpartum Depression?

When thinking about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum issues we often think about women and what that experience is like for them. We tend to forget about how these issues can affect the new father. Although men do not go through the experience of carrying and delivering the baby, they are still dramatically impacted by the arrival of their baby. New father’s need to monitor their mental health and seek help for any negative changes during this time.

How are Men Affected Post-Baby?

Fathers experience many changes and high-stress situations upon their baby’s arrival. Post baby, important hormones like testosterone, cortisol, oestrogen, vasopressin, and prolactin dramatically change in fathers, increasing their risk for mental health problems. In fact, men can experience postpartum depression with 1 in 10 new fathers developing depression around the time of their partner’s pregnancy and the baby’s arrival.

Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression in Men:

• Men under 25

• History of depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues

• Financial stress

• Drug abuse • Lack of sleep

• Having an unhealthy, unsupportive, or lack of relationship with their partner

• Problems with the baby (e.g. crying or sleep disturbances)

• The mother has postpartum depression What Postpartum Depression May Look Like in New Fathers:

• Depressed mood

• Anger, frustration and/or violent behaviour — typically towards partner • Increase impulsivity, irritability, and risk-taking behaviours

• Low motivation

• Poor concentration

• Withdrawing from relationships, work, and/or social situations

• Physical symptoms (e.g. headaches, muscle aches, stomach/digestive issues)

• Persistent and excessive worrying

• Negative parenting behaviours

• Increased alcohol or drug use

• Suicidal thoughts* * Seek help immediately for thoughts of suicide or harming yourself or your baby. Call 911, a health care or mental health professional, or a suicide hotline (Canada Suicide Prevention Service: 833-456-4566) If you are Experiencing Problems Post-Baby.

Having untreated postpartum depression — or other mental health concerns — during this important time in your life can take a toll on the father’s relationship with their baby’s mother or their baby. Fathers may engage less, speak negatively, have less positive interactions, or use harsher discipline with their child. These parenting behaviours can have a long-lasting negative impact on the baby’s development making it extremely important to seek help immediately for mental health concerns post-baby. If you have any concerns about your own or your partner’s mental health please contact us. One of our trained therapists can help you work through these feelings to help you enjoy being a parent.


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