This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

How we start out mornings can have an effect on our mood for the rest of the day. With many of us working from home it is easy to stay in bed until it is literally time to log onto our first work meeting . Yet others will run out the door last minute, without eating breakfast and a coffee in hand. Pandemic fatigue is real and it is making many of us resigned and unmotivated. This is why it is important to figure out what is a realistic doable routine for you. The same routine isn’t going to work for everyone, but scientific research shows that routines are great for our mental health. They are especially great to help people with depression and anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD and insomnia. While building and maintaining a routine sounds difficult or stressful, in the long run routines reduce anxiety and depression. Here are 5 simple things you can do to recharge yourself.

  1. Eat an energy-boosting and filling breakfast.

    Breakfast can set the tone for the day. Eating early and nutritiously sets you up with energy for the rest of the day. Minimize eating ‘on the go’ processed foods that will leave you feeling hungry or sluggish. When possible try to eat protein, fruits and whole grains. These foods will slowly release energy into your bloodstream, and you will probably get a mood boost from feeling good about eating healthy.

  2. Take five minutes to tune into your breathing.

    Including some simple breathing exercises in your morning routine can make a big difference in your life. While you can practice this calming technique at any time of the day your mind is most aware during this part of the day. Starting your morning with just 5 minutes of mindful breathing can ease stress and allow you to begin your day on a healthy note. Morning breathing is a mindful and conscious breathing exercise that simply asks you to focus your attention on your breathing—to its natural rhythm and flow and each inhale and exhale.

  3. Go for a morning walk.

    Sunlight and exercise are a powerful combination to help you set a positive tone for your day. If the sun is out put on your running shoes and go for a quick walk. Sunlight is proven to help release serotonin, which helps with maintaining a good mood and will also help you feel calm and focused. Exercise can boost your mood, concentration and alertness. It can even help give you a positive outlook on life.

  4. Notice the beauty of Nature.

    Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature has been found to help with mental health problems. For example it reduces anger, fear, stress, and increases pleasant feelings along with helping with symptoms of anxiety and depression. Exposure to nature not only makes us feel better emotionally but it has a positive effect on our physical health by: reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

  5. Hug your way to a better mood.

    When we touch – cuddle, hug, or hold hands – our bodies release “feel good” hormones. These hormones include oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. These hormones are responsible for feelings of happiness, relaxation, improved mood, and lower levels of depression. They can also boost physical health, helping you lose weight, lower blood pressure, fight off sickness, and more.

Are you struggling with anxiety or having trouble getting out of bed? A licensed therapist can help you figure out how to cope. Call our office today and let’s figure out a time to talk.


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