Emily Paris, DVATI, RP(Qualifying) – Nurturing Growth Through Art Therapy

At Toronto Therapy Practice, we are delighted to introduce Emily Paris, a skilled and compassionate Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) and Certified Art Therapist. Emily specializes in offering virtual therapy to individuals aged 18 and above, providing valuable support for those struggling with anxiety, depression, fertility concerns, perinatal mental health, and trauma.

A Journey of Non-Judgmental and Compassionate Therapy

When you embark on your therapeutic journey with Emily, you can expect a nurturing and safe space where your unique needs take centre stage. Emily's therapy approach is mindfulness and somatic-oriented, focusing on empowering you to reconnect with your inner self and strengthen your emotional well-being. Throughout the therapeutic process, she provides a non-judgmental and compassionate atmosphere, allowing you to freely express yourself without fear of judgment.

Art Therapy – A Creative Path to Exploration and Growth

Emily's expertise as a Certified Art Therapist adds a unique dimension to the therapeutic experience. With art therapy, creative interventions such as writing, painting, sculpting, and drawing become powerful tools for self-exploration and healing. Through these expressive mediums, you can delve deeper into your thoughts and emotions, process challenging experiences, and nurture personal growth.

Mindfulness and Trauma-Informed Support

Emily's therapeutic foundation is rooted in mindfulness and trauma-informed practices. By integrating mindfulness techniques into therapy sessions, she helps you develop a deeper awareness of your thoughts and emotions, fostering resilience and self-compassion. Her trauma-informed approach acknowledges the impact of past experiences on your present well-being, supporting you on your path to healing and growth.

Supporting Your Perinatal Mental Health and Fertility Journey

Emily understands the unique challenges faced by individuals navigating perinatal mental health concerns and fertility issues. Her compassionate approach provides valuable support during these transformative life phases, offering guidance and understanding as you explore your emotions and seek emotional balance.

Experience the Power of Art Therapy

At Toronto Therapy Practice, Emily invites you to experience the transformative power of art therapy. Whether you seek support for anxiety, depression, trauma, fertility concerns, or perinatal mental health, Emily is dedicated to providing personalized and empathetic care.